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文章来源:www.jingruilabradors.com 更新时间:2018-02-02


《大不列颠和北爱尔兰1945-1995拉布拉多犬展》     (第一卷、第二卷)
    作者:richard edwards (理查德.爱德华兹)
 richard edwards(理查德.爱德华兹)是英国和世界犬界备受尊敬的拉布拉多品种历史学家、拉布拉多繁殖家、国际著名的拉布拉多专业审查员。
 these books are by far the most detailed account of the show breed ever written. volume 1 has a detailed introduction on type and the labrador and then records the history of the show labrador from 1945 to around 1960.volume 2 covers the period from the arrival of tweed at sandylands in 1958 until 1996. no other publication has ever attempted to review the breed in anywhere like this depth. limited print run. privately published. the books are card covered, with no illustrations other than ch.braeduke joyful on the cover of volume 1 and tweed on the cover of volume 2. the books are just a detailed record of the dogs in word pictures
   这些书是迄今为止编写的犬展的最详细的说明。 第1卷详细介绍了拉布拉多的类型,然后记录了拉夫拉多展览的历史,从1945年到1960年左右。第二卷涵盖了从1958年到1996年的犬展的详细记载。没有其他的出版物有过这样深度的对于拉布拉多的记载和说明。 这本书的照片是历史上最详尽的,除了ch.braeduke之外全部配有插图。
书中描述了1945年至1996年英国犬展历史上所有的优秀的犬舍和拉拉,可以看出它们对于拉布拉多繁殖体系的影响力,书中的犬舍包括了:sandylands, veyatie, brentville, ardmargha, linershwood, elveledge, deeside, suddie, othamcourt, donacre, glenarem, roseacre, trenow, wishwood, poolstead, suleys, lenches, lawnwood, pinesview, warringah, crawcrook, halshimoor, reanacre, bradking, davricard, newinn, heatherbourne, friarsgarth, lasgarn, mansergh, follytower, balrion, ballyduff, charway, abbeystead, mardas, oakhouse, brigburn, lindall, leije, boothgates, kupros, foulby, lougin, timspring, cambremer, trewinnard, jayncourt, longley, greenworth, carpenny, crosscroyde, tibblestone, stajantors, novacroft, rossbank, foxrush, rocheby, carromer,等等,即使是只有一只或二只重要的拉拉的小的犬舍也包括在内。



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